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Home / AVYN Nation / 7 Days of Presence
7 Days of Presence

7 Days of Presence

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 

But it’s also stressful AF. We love the holidays, but over the last few years (thanks to kids) the holidays have started to feel like we’re tackling a to-do list longer than the Nile. Between shopping, decorating, and holiday parties, we’re maxed out with zero room left to embrace the magic of the season. 

No more of this BS. 

This year we’re going to actually enjoy the holidays. We’re done multitasking and spreading ourselves too thin. We’re going to have real conversations with our favorite people and spend time with our kids sharing our traditions (and creating new ones). 

Of course we’ll still be overly caffeinated to tackle that to-do list (we know it’s not going anywhere), but we’re shifting our mindset to leave the stress behind so we can jingle and mingle with the best of them.

7 Days of Presence

We put together this guide to help shift your focus back to what really matters throughout the holiday season: your people. We're giving you seven mindful activities to practice throughout the week to really connect with those around you! 

Just like motherhood, you should adapt these for what works with your family! But our biggest pro tip...put an end to multitasking. The point is to be present and if you're tackling it all, it's impossible to live in the moment. 

Let's make this season the most magical and memorable yet...together! 

 7 Days of Presence Guide Available Here


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