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Home / AVYN Nation / Diaper Bag Checklist
Diaper bag essentials

Diaper Bag Checklist

Getting out of the house with a new baby is anything but easy. I remember the first time we went on a walk (a walk, people) it took us three hours to get out the door. We just couldn't really figure out feeding schedules, diaper changes, bathroom breaks, etc and it took forever to actually leave the house. 

But slowly, we found a routine and it was easier to get out and explore (slightly, we're still almost always late to everything). But almost every single time we left with the diaper bag in tow, something was forgotten. And if you've ever been sitting in a restaurant waiting for your food to arrive, that precious item that was left behind could have really saved the day (or at least the meal). 

And we can't help but notice how much faster our guys pack a diaper bag. Is it because they are super efficient? DOUBT IT. It's because they most likely forgot half of the essentials. Girls, we got your back! We've put together a diaper bag checklist that you can print out and keep inside your bag (or save the image on your phone and text it to your partner as a subtle hint there should be more than one diaper in the whole bag). 

Diaper Bag Checklist:

  • Wipes
  • Diapers
  • Bottle/formula
  • Diaper Cream
  • Change of clothes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Snacks 
  • Small toy/book
  • Paci/teething toy
  • Muslin blanket/burp cloth
  • Bag for dirty diapers
  • Flask *kidding, but really, you never know where the day will take you*

Hope this helps you get out the door a little quicker than we could manage in the early days! 

Save this image to your phone or print it out to stash in your bag.

diaper bag checklist


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