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5 Postpartum Healing Tips

5 Postpartum Healing Tips
No one told us to be prepared for urinary incontinence, painful sex, pelvic organ prolapse, and other symptoms women experience in the postpartum period. All of which are common, but NOT normal and should not be ignored (especially if you are beyond your initial 6 week healing time). Here are 5 tips new (or seasoned) mothers can do to make sure you're healing properly in postpartum.

Breastfeeding and COVID-19

Breastfeeding and COVID-19
For all our pregnant mamas and breastfeeding warriors out there, we wanted to offer some guidance and resources around breastfeeding best practices in relation to covid-19. In a perfect world breastfeeding would be an easy, natural process free from tears, chaffed nipples and a global pandemic. Yet here we are and you’ve got some issues with it all. We hear you. We do too.